11 Tips for visiting a hospitalized patient at the hospital

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11 Tips for visiting a hospitalized patient at the hospital

 The 11 tips for visiting a hospitalized patient at the hospital.  That I’m going to share with you, the reason that let me write about this topic. It is because I’m working in a medical facility. And I’ve observed and heard many stories about visitors’ attitudes towards their patient and their roommate, from my family members, coworkers and friends. As we all know, paying a visit to a patient it is a good deed, to cheer him up, happy moments with their beloved one, family, or friends. To alleviate some of their suffering and illness. Furthermore, it is a means of hastening their recover.  

However, keep in mind the proper manners to follow, when visiting the patient. Because the patient will not appreciate your visit if it is will tire or bother him. As a result, the following practices, which I wrote and I thought it is a good gesture from you to do:

1. Before visiting the patient:

First, prior to visiting the patient, obtain permission from the patient and inquire about the visiting hours. Before the visit, avoid wearing strong perfume or smoking. To avoid making the patient feel uncomfortable or annoying him with that smell without your attention. Put on a mask during the visit. If you are not feeling well and have any symptoms, please stay at home. It is better to call instead of visit. Patients’ immune systems is weakened. To prevent the spread of contagious disease such as flu or Covid-19. As well as the worker at the hospital, they do not need to carry a disease. Sanitize your hands before and after the visit.

2. Avoid bringing food and beverage:

You do not know what are the physician’s orders are for the patient’s diets. Therefore, avoid brining food and beverage to patient without asking first, what is the appropriate to eat or drink for the patient. Especially if there will be a surgery, and need to be free the stomach from any food or drink, for hours before the procedures.

3. Gifts:

Bringing flowers might not suitable for some patient’s conditions, so it is best to ask before brining anything, to avoid any undesired reaction of allergic. Here are some of my recommendations for suitable presents to bring with you, for your patient:

  1. Slippers.
  2. Books.
  3. Or cards made by children.

4. Talk positive:

Patient needs to hear encouraging words for lifting up the spirit. Thus, choose your words carefully. There is no need to tell dramatic or horror stories. Or negative sentences as examples: You look pale and thin, or you look very sick. The very last thing a patient wants to hear is a negative conversation.

5. Phones on silent mode:

Put your phone on silent mode, so you don’t disturb your patient or his roommate patient, or other patients next to the room.

6. The period of visiting a patient:

Try to keep your visit as brief as possible. Long time can exhaust the patient and the roommate; they need to rest and turn off the lights. Enough that nurses and housekeepers constantly are come and go doing their jobs. Therefore, sleeping at the hospital it not enjoyable at all.  

7. Refrain accompanying children:

Last thing a patient or his roommate need is noise, you do not want the alley to be filled with kids’ screaming. Also, you do not want susceptible whether for patient and child. But, it might be necessary for some circumstances to bring the child to the hospital.

8. Respect the roommate:

Patient might be share a room with a roommate. Consider to not disturb the other patient, to respect their privacy, and stay away from the roommate’s belongings and the area where they are located in. Moreover, getting enough rest and feeling comfortable are essential for their recovery.

9. Calling:

If you are planning to call the patient. Make the call brief. Patient cannot have a long phone conversion.

10. If you are an employee at the hospital:

If you are an employee working at the hospital where your patient is admitted. Do not give yourself the privilege to pay the patient a visit during the time that there is no visit or whenever you want. Respect the rules.

11. A watcher:

If you are a watcher, be patient. Stick with the patient, and do not roam around the hospital bringing diseases without your attention to your patient. And disturbing physicians, nurses, and housekeepers. Your place is to accompany the patient, and that is the reason for being with him to provide the assistance in the first place.  

This is what I have in this post. If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to share them with me. I look forward to your comments.

God bless, you and your family with health.

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