Can Birds Really Teach Us Somethings?

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Can Birds Really Teach Us Somethings?

Today’s post: Can birds really teach us something? I’m a big fan of birds; I’m indeed addicted to watching them during the day or on weekends. When I open the kitchen window or on the National Geographic channel, undoubtedly, they make me happy and certainly God’s miracles.

 Raising lovebirds was a nice engagement in my life for many years. That was awesome; surely each bird has its own unique personality. I called them FIT and LUNA (both were females). Sadly, both died, after years (4 and 6, respectively) of their craziest and naughtiest behavior, yet they offered much pleasure to my family and myself. They are still living in our hearts and minds. I remember, even if I felt under the weather, my continuous watching gaze following them at that time, instantly turned my bad mood into a cheerful status. Not to underestimate the endless fights that we daily had to face with Luna. When we were changing her water or food bowls, she used to attack us to prove how confidently strong she was, despite her little, tiny, and fluffy body. 

Can Birds Really Teach Us Somethings?

Then, after having changed the water and food bowls, she got calm and resumed her normal demeanor, fighting was unnecessary, but whom do you want to tell that?  She was not otherwise aggressive unless there was a reason for that. In her case, she was fighting for her rights, thinking that we were going to take away her bowls from her private domicile. She stood up for her property. Go LUNA!  and R.I.P.

Well, I learned from LUNA to be self-determined about my rights, especially during work when having difficulties or confrontations. LUNA STYLE !  Of course, without the struggle of wings flapping and beak biting. finally, to resume my work as if nothing happened. 

On the contrary, FIT was mostly quiet, amazingly singing her own lovely melodies, but LUNA to a lesser extent. 

Back to my kitchen window. WHILE I’M GAZING AT THE BIRDS:

The reason for sharing my post, because a question crossed my mind and made me wonder. Actually, it came to me when I was gazing a couple of sparrows, from the kitchen’s window as I stated before, they are singing their beautiful songs. And they are alert all the time, both sparrows are standing far away from the window. I guess their nest is somewhere out there. But I could not figure it out yet where the nest location is, it seems to be close but somewhere hidden. But they look worried when they see me, though I tried to share my kindness with them, they rewarded me with a natural worrying gaze. 

I’m considering them as day friends, but, unfortunately, they think I’m their giant enemy, threatening their nest. So the story never ends, they are looking at me in a defensive funny- cute way and I look at them trying to explain, that I’m not their foe here. But what is the point anyway. They never understand me. I knew, it’s their nature to defend themselves from human being and to protect their nest.  

We are in this situation of exchanging gazes with each other. For about four years as far as I recall. I noticed they leave the place and disappear for a period of time, then, they both come back the next season, when they want to nest again. But I’m not sure if they are the same sparrows or not, but, I’m pretty sure, it’s them, because they know the place very well.

So, what the sparrows do not know, that we really do like them, and taking care of them somehow without their notice for sure, by providing them with water every morning, in the garden, and some breakfast breadcrumbs to be picked up.



In my humble opinion, the answers that pops in my mind at this moment could be. Certainly, the ornithologists know more about the birds’ behaviors than me. Let me share with you what’s going through my head and what birds can offer us from their instinct:  

  1. Waking up early morning.
  2. Continuously hard work, and productive.
  3. Focus. 
Can Birds Really Teach Us Somethings?


Let me quote Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be upon Him) saying “If you all depend on Allah with due reliance, He would certainly give you provision as He gives it to birds who go forth hungry in the morning and return with full belly at dusk”

That is to say; birds are waking up early morning and start their day by searching for food. Thus, we are requested to do the same thing. God’s blessings are tied with getting up early and begin working on our own tasks that we need to pursue. Whether you are a housewife/man, businessman/woman, worker or student, everyone has his own responsibilities. So, early bird catches the worm! Because staying awakes all night and then, sleeping until midday is unhealthy for our bodies. I’m not a professional in healthcare, but sleep specialists are advising us to obtain adequate sleep. 

Can Birds Really


Birds strive very seriously to build up their nest, by picking the spot, building, and collecting small pieces of sticks from everywhere, to gather it in the end, to be eventually, home sweet home. They will continue to collecting process, till the project is completed. Excellent TEAMWORK. They are good parent. We may just learn a thing or maybe more, the hard work from those lovebirds. And keep going until we complete all of the crucial tasks on our agenda.  Unlike humans, birds never fed up of their tasks.

Can Birds Really


If you ever noticed the birds while searching for their delicious worms, they are focusing I’m not exaggerating, but they really focus on their target. Until they get it. Of course the king of focusing is the falcon he will keep his eyes on the prize until he gets it.  Sparrows are so funny, after watering the grass. They just jump around searching for worms and bugs that get out from the wet soil. And face their destiny, the hungry birds awaiting for it. It’s a nightmare for the worms!

As I mentioned before, the bird’s realm is so wide, only the ornithologists can answer our queries. Because we, as human, are continuously seeking for ways to help ourselves and learn new things in order to be satisfied. To go on in life. Let’s consider birds as a teacher, if you don’t mind, they give free lessons. But it requires from you to concentrate to understand the lessons well. Only you get what is important.

I hope that I did not bore you with my story. If you have a comment please share it with me. I’m eager to read.

Have a great day!

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