Instant Pot 2

Easy Book to Read, Master What Matters

Since I’m using smart phones, my book reading habit has decreased over time, unfortunately, but I have to do something to get rid of this bad habit and try to convince myself to read at least one page per day, hopefully, so I bought a book called “Master What Matters” by John C. Maxwell as a way to start leaving my phone a little bit and relive these eyes from the screen.

It is a light reading you can grab during your travels or at your break time, It talks about most important values in life that we somehow do not know how to handle in some period of time. You can easily choose what part suits you to read first, does not require to start from the beginning, I like these kind of books. So, I read depends on my area of need of the day, you can pick the topic for the present moment of your need and when you feel down, it just my opinion, I might be right or wrong.  

In my opinion, it is a simple guide to follow to ease and relieve the continued negative thinking, it is a good friend to have these days.

To be honest, I’m anxious person, who is always worried about things that are not in my control, leaving what’s most important in front of me undone, and that getting myself to worry more and more without anything just eating me alive. I must do something to control that anxiety as much as I can, first of all, to ask God to help and guide me, so, here I’m buying books, starting to read, and sharing some points that matter for my situation.

Focus on today:

Focus on today: it’s neither yesterday nor tomorrow, but, to make the best of my performance in today, I need to focus in my hand, cleaning, cooking or anything else. Nevertheless, thinking of the mistakes that have happened and blaming myself for it, I cannot fix the past no matter what, there is no time machine to go there to fix that situation, it is not  a video that I can go back a little bit  and reach the past.

This applies for the future, which is not in my hands, I cannot do anything about it, just to ask God for his help in my journey in life. I just remember the song by the singer Doris Day, Whatever Will be, will be, the future is not ours to see. que sera sera, love to sing this song in the kitchen.  So, let’s keep reminding ourselves that today matters, not yesterday or tomorrow.

See the glass as half-full:

In my humble point of view, to be successful and happy with what we have in front of us, we should think positively, to try our best to shift from negative thoughts immediately into positive ones,  in order to have a better understanding of the situation, The importance of a positive mental attitude towards things in life, will allow us to reach satisfaction from small to big accomplishments, that we have gained and happiness, which we cannot buy or win we must choose it (from the book).

Loved this prayer mentioned in book, for the right outlook:

A prayer for the right outlook, it is for you whatever your believes it is or you are worshipping, we can ask God always his grace, to help us to see the right way, not gossiped, losing temper, greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or self-indulgent, and change our thinking into positive and change our words into positive words. To eliminate such sentences from our dictionary replaces it, like “I can’t” into “I can”, “I do not have time” into “I will make the time”.

Put important ahead of urgent:

I got that we cannot do everything we want, however, we concentrate on what’s most important to us, we have to look to our priorities and change what is necessary to be changed or eliminated. This is reminding me of myself trying to learn German and jump among languages and not gaining things at all, such a waste of time, I have to pick up my mind what language to learn and why? I admired a saying said by Earl Nightingale, mentioned in the book” if a person will spend one hour a day on the same subject for five years, that person will be an expert on that subject”. Should we read this saying over and over again to encourage our desire towards goals in life.

Focusing our growth, what points you wish to focus on, as for me is to learn German language and many stuff to be honest I need to fix, I should listen more and videos to learn little by little German, to reach at least level A. In the book mentioned points to help you focus on your personal growth you can view it there. read about Etiquette Watching a Movie at the Cinema

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