Easy Porridge for a Quick Breakfast

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Easy Porridge for a quick Breakfast

In this post, I’ll share with you how to make easy porridge for a quick breakfast. You can cook it in the morning within ten minutes or prepare it the night before. Keep it in a container. You will save your time and enjoy it the next morning. Or bring it to work with you. The best part is that there aren’t many ingredients. You are free to be creative to add the fruit that is available in your kitchen. 

The day that I have this breakfast, I do not feel hangar for several hours. Usually, I feel hungry by 9 a.m. I named this feeling with THE 9 AM HUNGER. But the truth is, there is no branch time for me. However, if I prepare the porridge, I will take a small amount in my lovely container.

It has greatly aided me in controlling what I eat. (taking the smallest container). Trying to eliminate stuff such as chocolate bars and sweets. You know how stress may cause me to eat without even realizing it? But I make every effort not to give myself this opportunity to eat more. So may God assist me in this mission.

So, let’s go back to this porridge.

Easy Porridge for a quick Breakfast

The ingredients:

  1. Cup of milk.
  2. ¼ cup of oat flakes.
  3. Honey to taste (how sweet you want to add is entirely up to you).
  4. Fruits (I have frozen blueberries and an apple on hand).

The instruction:

  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Add the oat flakes and stir it for ten minutes (to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot).
  3. Then, I added the frozen blueberries. But it is up to you if you save this step until the end and garnish the porridge. It was frozen in my case, I cooked it for a few minutes with the oats.
  4. Remove from the heat and add the honey. And garnish it with your fruits.
  5. Pour it on your serving plate. Or keep it until it is cold and store it in a container for the next day.

For more delicious recipes, please explore Indulge in the Richness of Sago Seed Pudding

bon appetite!!

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