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An easy technique to make Asian Kaya jam

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to share an easy technique to make Asian kaya jam, my new favorite jam. I was first exposed to this flavor in a country in Asia. The dish that I ate was breakfast, and it was toast with butter and kaya jam. It was delicious and rich, and I cannot get enough of it. However, I have to stop eating it at some point because it is so fatty and it is a comfort food. You can have this jam with toast in the morning, or you can have it with your afternoon tea with biscuits. It is extremely simple to make, and you will take pleasure in your jar of preserves, which will keep for two months if you get what you need and keep your jar clean and dry. Now that we’ve cleared that out of the way, let’s move on to the components for today’s jam. You might like to check out this healthy porridge recipe.

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  1. 400 ml coconut milk.
  2. 4 egg yolks.
  3. I used palm sugar you can find it here.
  4. One spoon of pandan extraction.


  1. First, combine the sugar with the egg yolks.
  2. After that, add the milk and the pandan.
  3. Then, move it to the sauce pot, and add it, into a post has full with boiling water.
  4. And stir it for about an hour, or until the mix getting thick.
  5. Finally, add the jam into a clean jar.

Bon appetite!

kaya jam
jam making
kaya jam
kaya making

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