Etiquette Watching a Movie at the Cinema

Etiquette that must be followed in Cinema, and our experiences in the cinema

Well before talking about the etiquette watching a movie at the cinema, I’ll share with you, our experiences. Imagine that your favorite movie; either the continued part of a previous movie or a rather new movie is out there, you are so excited, bought the tickets and looking forward for the weekend night to go to the cinema with your family, friends or even by yourself to watch the movie.  

Etiquette supposed to be practiced when watching a movie at the cinema.

  1. People are presumed to arriving early to find their seats before the show begins.
  2. Mobiles phones are silent or in airplane mode, but not vibrating, because the person next to you will still hear the buzz, and no one is taking a selfie and disturbing others with the flashes of their phones.
  3. There is no noise from shopping bags. (No one is buying cinema tickets for an extra noise!).
  4. Eating popcorn and drinking in a proper way.
  5. Covering the mouth with a tissue or with a handkerchief while coughing to avoid spreading diseases, Covid-19 is still present and many people have lost their families as a result of it.
  6. Whispering during the movie, is acceptable as long as it is not loud, and only between the two people.
  7. Using the restroom before the movie begins.
Etiquette Watching a Movie at the Cinema

No etiquette and this what we had to deal in the cinema

  1. We arrived at our seats earlier, as is customary when attending a meeting; you arrive before the meeting begins.
  2. Cell phones in silent mood have no vibration.
  3. The movie has begun, and people are still entering the hall, sometimes till the middle of the movie; I’m not sure how they’re enjoying it, and most of the important parts are missing. Ideally they had to be prevented from entering so that not to disturb the viewers.
  4. Add to that, the annoying mobile flashes at the eyes, as they look for their seats, which is distracting to those around them and even from a distance.
  5. Ladies have finished shopping and are carrying their shopping bags!! You can imagine the unwanted melody accompanying them.
  6. Some are eating popcorn and drinking soft drinks loudly, with no eating manners nor respecting others. I’m not sure why they’re doing that; they’re not sick, I can assure you.
  7. Some are conversing loudly with one another not considering that others are sitting quietly with them. Regardless of the look that you throw and the hash, some are not respectful.
  8. Mobile flashes for selfies pictures, proven that they are having fun at the cinema, but, what about the rest? They, too, deserve to have a good time!
  9. Some people are even making or answering personal telephone calls.
  10. Coughing without covering the mouth, hello, Covid-19 is still around!
  11. Instead of leaving garbage on and beyond the chair, please assist the cleaners by taking your garbage to the trash can.

Suggestions for enhancing watching movies at the cinema, if there is no etiquette!

How could one enjoy watching a movie in a good atmosphere if such negative behavior is unfortunately recurring? Even reverting to security is disturbing for oneself. I recommend that the cinema personnel check for that and take proper action immediately.  If you sit at the back, there will be no one behind to push your seat by mistake from the back or hear a non-needy conversation. To either buy the movie or watch it on Netflix.

Have you encountered any of these at the cinema? What exactly did you do? Tell us about your experience, recommendations, and advice. 

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