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Healthy Brown Sambosa

Healthy Brown Sambosa

Todays’ post is healthy brown sambosa. Sambosa, sambosk, or samosa whatever you call it in your region, I believe it is a favored dish among the majority of people. You will never get bored of this tasty, easy, delicious, stuffed, crunchy dough. With the various filling options available, you can add. Such as beef, chicken, camel, or lamb meat; mincemeat, cheese, vegetables, dates, bananas, or even Nutella! It can be air-fried or baked. Well, the typical one that I used to eat as a child, prepared by my sweet mother, was lamb meat. How to prepare the filling and the used spices differs from culture to culture.

Consuming the sambosa:

This dish is commonly consumed during the holy month of Ramadan. Most of the families are preparing their samosa ahead of time and frozen it. So it will be easy to use. Just get out from the freezer and keep it until the ice is melts. Then, it is ready to be fried or in the oven. And some restaurants are prepare it, you can order it from them if you like.

You can enjoy the sambosa any time of the year.

However, you can enjoy and have samosa at any time of year. According to your desire. So, I have made my own delectable version of a healthy homemade samosa.  I used in preparing the dough, the brown flour with the white one mixed together. To make some balance of the texture, and enjoy practicing a healthy cooking approach, without frying it in a deep hot oil. But, by using our lovely air fryer, we can avoid using a lot of oil, because the air fryer does not require a lot of oil. Simply brush each sambaos with olive oil on both sides and you’re ready to go. With no sense of guilt feeling. A benefit for you and your family.  

Planning make the steps easy:

The steps of making sambosa will be easier. If everything is planned ahead of time. I guarantee it will make it easier for you. Whether making it by yourself. Or it can also be an activity and a game for your child to give a hand in filling or folding the samosa’s dough. An excellent method to involve and teach your child some responsibility.

So, without further ado, let’s get to the ingredients.


Healthy Brown Sambosa

Table of Contents:

The ingredients of sambosa filling are:

  1. 500 g minced meat (any kind of meat you have, I prefer the beef taste).
  2. One medium onion and three garlic finely chopped.
  3. 1 tsp species. Link.
  4. 1 tsp Esnad Seven Spices. Link.
  5. Salt to taste.
  6. Bunch of coriander, parsley, and dill leaves finely chopped.

Because my measurements for making the dough are little, therefore, I did not post here any photos for preparing the dough, however I mentioned the measures below that will work for you.

The ingredients of the dough:

  1. Two cups white flour.
  2. One cup brown flour.
  3. Tsp dry yeast.
  4. (I just add a little in the bowl I did not measure it to be honest).
  5. 1tbs olive oil.
  6. An egg.
  7. Pinch of salt.
  8. Water as per your need.

First, preparing the dough:

Mix the flour with the salt, dry yeast, with your dough machine or by your hand, then, add the milk, egg, and the olive oil, and whisk it all, then, add the water, and knead for about five minutes, until you have a smooth dough and cover it to rest for a couple of hours.


It’s a good idea to make your own dough the night before. As a result, you will save your time and make the job easier the next day. And concentrate on another thing.

How to prepare the sambosa filling:

  1. First place the mincemeat in the pan and stir it until the water evaporates.
  2. Add chopped onion and garlic and mix.
  3. Season with spices and salt and keep mixing.
  4. Turn off the heat.
  5. Allow it to cool before adding the chopped green leaves (so that the chopped leaves maintain their colors fresh when added to the mincemeat).
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Shapes of sambosa and how to make it:

The sambosa comes in diversity of shapes, including triangle, half-moon, and cone. The triangle shape with thin dough wrap can be made by using the pasta dough machine and selecting the thinner layers option, for the half-moon and cone as well, the same thing can be made with the dough. I will show you, how it is look like the half-moon shape, because this what I’m going to do.

If you do not have time to make your dough. You may buy the squire wrap and the long wrap dough from the supermarkets, there are many brands you can choose what is available. Then, fill it with the filling and fry it in a deep hot oil, it is indeed delicious. However, it is not a healthy choice.  

How to freeze the samabosa?

  1. After the sambaos have been formed. Make sure that each piece is separated from each other.
  2. Put a piece of butter paper on a flat try.
  3. Arrange the pieces on the try separately.
  4. Place it in the freezer.
  5. After a half hour. Take out the sambosa from the freezer, and place it in a plastic bag container.
  6. Return to the freezer.
  7. Take some whenever you want.
  8. Wait until the piece is soft and melted from the ice. Then, fry or baked it, and enjoy.

What to do with the remaining leftovers of the sambosa?

Simply place it in the air-fried for two to three minutes and ready to eat. That’s what I used to do that with all kinds of stuffed leftovers. And it’s work.

What to serve the Sambosa with?

You can serve the sambosa with green mixed salad we call it duqs salad. By the way, it’s a tasty touch to any dish. Give it a delicious taste.

The ingredients of duqs salad:

  1. One garlic.
  2. Juice of two lemon.
  3. 1 tsp vinegar.
  4. Salt to taste.
  5. Black pepper as per your taste.
  6. One green pepper (optional).
  7. Bunch of coriander.
  8. Two tomatoes.

The instruction:

In a mixer add all the ingredients, and blend it, for five minutes and it is ready to be served alongside sambosa.

If you like this recipe, do not hesitate to leave a comment.

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