كاري باللحم بالطريقة الهندية

Indian-style meat curry

Indian-style meat curry

In today’s recipe, we will be presenting a delicious dish of Indian-style meat curry. It is one of the easy dishes that do not require much effort to prepare. In addition, you can prepare a large quantity of curry and store it in the refrigerator, then use what you need for your meals later on. This saves time and is perfect for busy individuals and homemakers who do not have enough time to cook every day.

Origin of the word “curry”

For those curious about the origin of the word “curry,” it is traced back to the Tamil language, which means we are going to prepare a meat sauce.

Ingredients in Indian-style meat curry:

Let’s now begin with the method of preparing a delicious meat curry. These are the ingredients you will need:

  1. Beef or lamb, according to preference, is about 400 grams.
  2. Onion, thinly sliced.
  3. Garlic and ground pepper
  4. Spices: cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and bay leaves
  5. Ground spices: Kashmiri pepper, turmeric, cumin, coriander, and meat masala spices.
  6. Yogurt, preferably left out of the refrigerator for 30 minutes before cooking.
Indian-style meat curry

Preparing the yogurt mixture:

Before we start cooking the curry, we need to prepare the yogurt mixture. So, we mix all the ground spices with yogurt, adding a little warm water.


  1. In a deep pot, we add a little oil and the spices (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and bay leaves) and stir them slightly. The goal here is to heat the spices slightly without burning them, which only takes a few seconds.
  2. Next, add the onion slices to the pot and stir them until they turn a beautiful golden color.
  3. After, add the garlic and pepper paste to the mixture of onions and spices while continuing to stir. This helps to impart a wonderful flavor to the curry.
  4. Place the chopped meat in the pot and stir it until its color changes and it starts releasing water.
  5. It is time to add the yogurt and mix all the ingredients together.
  6. Add water according to the amount of meat and the desired thickness of the curry. If you prefer the curry to be less thick, you can add a little hot water.
  7. Stir occasionally to prevent them from sticking to the pot.
  8. Let the curry cook on low heat until it is fully cooked. Of course, this depends on the type of meat and the pot you use, whether it is a regular pot or a pressure cooker.

Once the curry is fully cooked, you can serve it with your favorite rice or bread. There are many options for enjoying a meat curry recipe, and your choice depends on your personal taste.

Finally, enjoy your delicious meal of meat curry! We hope you enjoy this tasty and easy-to-prepare recipe.

(Images step-by-step are available in the Arabic post here

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