Refreshing mango lassis

Refreshing mango lassis for hot days

In this post, I’ll show you how to make a delicious, refreshing mango lassis for hot days, you can use mango in its different situation, whether it is fresh, frozen or canned. With a pinch if you like of spices, such as cardamom, will do. It is perfect beverage for getting more fruit and vitamin D, from yogurt. An ideal beverage for cooling off with on a hot day, or to wash down a meal of spicy food, like my previous recipe [Simple and Delicious Beef Stew (Two Recipes from One!)]  So, let’s go and see what we need!

The ingredients are dependent on how many people are present.

  1. Chunk of mango (I used frozen mango).
  2. Yogurt or laban.
  3. If it is not sweet for you, you can add sugar or honey to taste.


Put all the ingredients in your mixer and turn it until the mixture is smooth and creamy.


History of Lassi:

A yoghurt-based Indian beverage known as lassi is a popular way to beat the heat during the summer months.
It was developed in the Indian regions of Punjab and Multan.
Yogurt is made by combining yogurt with water, then adding flavorings such fruit, spices, jaggery, or sugar. Lassi comes in two main flavors: sweet and salty.
This drink is based on yogurt, but it has a fantastic new flavor profile because to the addition of many different ingredients.
It’s a nice pick-me-up that works equally well with morning or afternoon meals.

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