Simple lemongrass and ginger tea make you feel relax

Simple lemongrass and ginger tea make you feel relax

Healthy, relaxing lemongrass and ginger tea after a long day. Who’s with me ?!

Ginger with lemongrass tea !!

Have you tried it?

You shall love it, yummi !!

Because it makes me feel very refreshed and calm. Nevertheless, it is a healthy, rejuvenating, and warm drink. especially after a long day of work and all the stresses that come with it. Needless to say, lemongrass and ginger have many health benefits; you may like to read about them here and here.

Simple lemongrass and ginger tea make you feel relax

Simple lemongrass and ginger tea make you feel relax

You know, I’m sure as well, that, at the end of the day, one deserves to not necessarily have a stimulating tea but rather a good quality of natural tea made with love for oneself or a loved one. Just give yourself a chance to prepare this tea, pour it in  your favorite mug, then find a comfortable seat  and watch something funny, such as the Seinfeld TV show, they keep me laughing again and again, even after having finished all the series.

I just came back to watch them again, knocking down my stress. By the way, watch their bloopers; it’s even more hilarious. Or you can read some pages of your favorite book; just do what’s making you feel relief.

My tea is easy; it contains only two ingredients, Just remember, after preparing this tea, to keep it for a while before you drink it, in order, to grow the flavor to be stronger.  



  1. Lemongrass leaves (the green leaves).
  2. Ginger.
  3. Boiled water.



Grate the ginger and cut some lemongrass leaves, if you have it in your garden. If not, it’s OK, (you can find it in the grocery Asian section or on amazon here the link). Then, add the boiled water. And keep it for a while, like 15 minutes. Then, enjoy drinking it.

Let’s enjoy the little things in life!

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  1. Healthy drink, thank you for the recipe.

  2. You are more than welcome.

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