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Simple Things Must Have in Handbag for a Short Trip

The simple things you must have in handbag, for a quick journey, as we know that travel is a piece of agony, because of the tiredness and stress, however, these absolute important products in your handbag will make your short journey easy, relieve, and feeling that you did not get out from your room, just make simple grab those and go for your trip, here are some few things:

Four things in your handbag for a short trip:

  1. Bottle of water and some healthy snacks.
  2. Sunscreen.
  3. Lip cream.
  4. Hand cream.

What I prefer to do in a short trip:

I do not like to wear heavy makeup in a short trip, because I believe my skin needs to be comfortable and breathable. At the end, each lady knows what it is best practice for her skin, and this is what is best for me.

Your beauty products in the travel kit

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