Steps to a successful morning routine

Steps to a successful morning routine

Today, my post is about steps to a successful morning routine, which varies from person to another. But you need a great and logical morning routine if you would like to have a productive day. In the following suggestions I’m going to share with you several morning routine habits that you may insert into your daily routine to ensure a more fruitful day!

1. Getting up early and getting up with the sun

To begin your excellent morning routine right away. To reassure you, this does not imply that you must wake up at 4:00 a.m. to have a successful morning; rather, even if you wake up at 9:00 a.m., it is still early morning. Perhaps it’s just me, but I do like to set the alarm clock for a time before I actually need to get up. Sometimes my inner clock wakes me up. Here are some suggestions to try:

  • Allow the curtains to be slightly opened when you are going to sleep in order to see the light of the sun.
  • Set an alarm to ensure you don’t oversleep.
a successful morning routine

2. Avoid pressing the snooze button

Because if you choose to get up early, you should not hit the snooze button. By pushing the snooze button, you will spend more time in bed, causing a delay, and you may fall asleep again! Let us not laugh at ourselves since the time between ringing the alarm and hitting snooze is insufficient time to sleep. It is a terrible feeling to have. You will eventually be in a bad mood and exhausted.

3. Avoid checking your smartphone first thing in the morning

Let’s face it, when we woke up, we used to check our phones, emails, WhatsApp, and other social media. So, if you’d like to have a successful morning routine, social media checking is keeping you from getting up early; therefore, try to avoid checking your social media once you wake up.

a successful morning routine

4. Making your own bed

According to studies, it is excellent for our brain, and making your bed provides you with a feeling of accomplishment first thing in the morning, making you feel productive. It is regarded as an assignment, and you win by completing it! Do not dismiss minor accomplishments.


5. Avoid being in your pajamas

Even if you work remotely, as a blogger, or on a part-time job, you should not stay in your pajamas. To signal to your brain that you are no longer in a sleeping state and that it is time to begin the day.


6. Taking your breakfast

Your breakfast does not need to be fancy, but it is supposed to be decent food. Not a leftover pizza from last night. Eating a nutritious meal will provide you with the energy you need to begin your day and maintain a great morning routine.

Finally, whatever you do to create an effective morning routine that works for you, It is all about experimenting with what works best for you; what works well for you may not work for someone else.

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  1. Keep going Foz, I enjoyed.

    1. Thank you, Marwa for your visit.

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