mixed tahini pic for topic

Was My Breakfast Once Upon a Time:

The health benefits of eating tahini and the risks. I will share with you. My favorite breakfast when I was a little girl. We used to eat also at diner. You know what, we eat it whenever we want to eat, and now, when I see supermarket’s shelf full of tahini, it reminds me of my childhood we keep a jar of tahini, just in case we would like to have some, of course not like when I’m a kid, but still, it a must at my house. You can serve it with Arabic bread, a side with olive and feta cheese, accompany with a good tea.

Nowadays, I used to spread it on a slice of whole grain bread. With feta cheese. I need to admit it is delicious and cannot be resist the sweetness and the salty at the mouth. Now it comes with free sugar HOORAY! And you can make it easy at home, it contains of ground toasted sesame seeds paste, I will share it with you soon.

There are many advantages of intake tahini, such as:

  1. It has an antioxidant properties for the skin, the sesame seed oil contained, helped in preventing the appearance of wrinkles and increase moisturizing.
  2. The tahini contain sesame seeds and it is a good source of fat for the body.
  3. It used as a remedy for gingivitis and mouth ulcers and that by placing a layer of tahini on the gums on the ulcer site.
  4. It used to get rid of boils by adding a little on a cotton ball on the abscess site.
  5. Because it contains magnesium, it works significantly lower blood pressure, and plays an important role in maintaining heart health.
  6. It prevents atherosclerosis because it contains Sesamol. (to refer to Wikipedia link) Sesamol – Wikipedia
  7. It protects against DNA damage when exposed to radiation thanks to sesamol again.
  8. It is a good source of calcium, to those who are uncomfortable consuming milk products, calcium plays an important role in bone health and preventing osteoporosis.
  9. It is a good source of protein.
  10. It is a recipe for treating constipation because it contains beneficial oils that lax the intestines. As well as, it increases milk supply in nursing mothers.
  11. It helps reducing the inflammation throughout the body, relieve symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, and acne, and may help get rid of dark spots on the skin.
  12. It protects against rheumatoid arthritis, as copper is an important mineral for the work of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant enzymes, and it is known that copper is used to reduce pain and swelling of the joints, in addition to that, this mineral helps to provide strength for blood vessels, bones and joints.
  13. It benefits patients with respiratory system and prevents asthma by preventing bronchial spasms, due to the presence of magnesium in sesame seeds.

The above-mentioned, are the befits that we get from tahini, however, everything in life we must deal with it in a balance way. Now that we know the good features, let’s talk about the contraindications of eating tahini as follows:

The Risks of Consuming a lot of tahini

  1. It contains a high percentage of fats and carbohydrates, therefore, it contains a lot of calories that cause weight gain.
  2. Some people are suffering from sensitivity to tahini, as a result of allergy to sesame, so be careful.
  3. There are not enough studies and researches about the interactions of tahini with various medicines. (resource webteb).


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